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“Change before

you have to.”

Jack Welch

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Attention Meetings Managers!

Are Your Attendees Ready for their

Next Business Disruption?


Empower your attendees with the knowledge to not only ​weather the storm, but to come out stronger.

Feature our Business Continuity Planning workshops or ​breakout sessions at your next meeting.

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Don't Just Survive, Thrive!

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Build a resilient and competitive business in the face of uncertain ​times. Learn how to fortify your business against disruption and ​and watch your organization transform adversity into advantage.

  • Anticipate and prepare for potential challenges
  • Develop a robust continuity plan
  • Ensure your business remains resilient and operational
  • Win greater market share

Discover how our sessions can help your organization and its ​members’ businesses become resilient against unexpected ​business disruptions.


ReadySmartGo helps small businesses position ​themselves with a competitive advantage in the face ​of external disruption, the sixth strategic competitive ​force.

External disruptions could be natural disasters or ​emergencies, computer network failures, violence in ​the workplace, or other situations that would inhibit a ​business's ability to perform its core functions.

Using best practices from OSHA, Homeland Security, ​the FBI, FEMA and other agencies, we help you use ​preparedness as a competitive strategy for when your ​customers need you the most. The following are a few ​seminar topics we teach:

  • Active Shooter Survival
  • Emergency Preparedness to be Competitive
  • Business Continuity Planning (Staying open for ​business)

Will you be ready for the next disruption with your 20th century strategy?

Coaching for being strategically competitive ​during and after a disruption includes issues such ​as:

  • Ensuring suppliers are able to perform
  • Having access to your own inventory
  • Making preparedness a part of planning
  • Having a functioning business continuity ​team
  • Training and protecting employees

Our services are customizable to meet your needs ​including:

  • Training virtually
  • Working in-person
  • Personalized manager coaching

We help small businesses grow in ​challenging times.

“You can't overtake 15 cars in sunny weather, ​but you can when it’s raining."

Ayrton Senna, Racecar Driver

Road to Lighthouse

Join the

Road to Resilience

A community for small business owners ​to futureproof their businesses.

Most small business owners are focused on the ​everyday tasks of running of their business. There ​is little time allocated for preparing for the ​future.

The consequences of going it alone are huge.

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Learn more

Becoming a Resilient Organization

A resilient organization is one that is able to adapt, recover, and ​thrive in the face of disruptive events or unexpected challenges. ​The value of becoming a resilient organization cannot be ​overestimated, do these attributes sound like your organization?:

  • Survivability:

A resilient organization is equipped to survive in the face of crises, ​disasters, and other disruptive events. By having a strong business ​continuity plan, risk management strategies, and adaptable ​structures, your organization can minimize the impact of these ​events and continue to function in spite of them.

  • Competitive advantage:

A resilient organization is more competitive because it is better ​able to respond to changing market conditions and emerging ​opportunities. It can identify new customer needs, develop ​innovative solutions, and pivot quickly when necessary. This agility ​and flexibility can give it a significant edge over less resilient ​competitors.

  • Employee satisfaction and loyalty:

A resilient organization tends to have a positive and supportive ​culture, which can enhance employee satisfaction, engagement, ​and loyalty. Employees who feel that their organization cares ​about their well-being and is prepared to handle crises are more ​likely to be committed and productive.

  • Reputation and stakeholder trust:

A resilient organization can maintain the trust and confidence of ​its stakeholders, including customers, investors, regulators, and ​the public. By being transparent, responsive, and accountable in ​the face of challenges, it can build a strong reputation as a reliable ​and trustworthy partner.

  • Long-term sustainability:

A resilient organization is better positioned to achieve long-term ​sustainability by anticipating and adapting to changing social, ​economic, and environmental conditions. It can build resilience ​into its core strategy and operations, which can help it navigate ​disruptions and build a more stable and secure future.

In summary, the value of a resilient organization lies in its ability to ​survive and thrive in the face of uncertainty and adversity, and to ​create sustained value for its stakeholders over the long term.

ReadySmartGo Training and Coaching is here to help you build ​resiliency by creating a comprehensive and adaptable business ​continuity plan, to help you identify, manage and prepare for risks, ​and to help create strategies to overcome any unforeseen ​disruptions to your organization.

"Readiness is Perishable"

Gen. Paul J. LaCamera - U.S. Army four-star general & United ​Nations, Korea/US Combined Forces Command

ReadySmartGo Training and Coaching

The perfect solution for positioning your company to thrive through disruption.

Here's a sample of what you can learn.

We've been taught quite well on what to do in the event of a fire or ​hurricane (20th century preparedness). Most companies have scheduled ​drills to practice where to go and what to do if a fire breaks out or a ​hurricane is about to strike.

Unfortunately, in the world we live in today, being equally prepared to ​survive an active shooting incident, a knife attack or other form of ​workplace violence is just as important (21st century preparedness). Yet few ​companies prepare their employees.

"How to Survive an Active Shooter Situation" by ReadySmartGo is one of our ​most popular seminars. This multimedia, interactive, in-person program ​covers actions you, your employees and your clients can use to help you ​survive and prepare for an active shooter incident. The following is an ​excerpt from this seminar.

Get Ready, Get Smart, Get Going

Road to Lighthouse

Join the

Road to Resilience

A community for small business owners ​to futureproof their businesses.

Most small business owners are focused on the ​everyday tasks of running of their business. There ​is little time allocated for preparing for the ​future.

The consequences of going it alone are huge.

Modern Geo Rounded Rectangle

Learn more

Our Mission

To help small and micro businesses to ​thrive through disruption.

We help you become more competitive by developing a strategy to overcome "threats of external disruption" through business continuity planning. Your business is more competitive by ...

  • Showing your customers that you are prepared for hard times.
  • Showing your employees that your business has a future for them no matter what the circumstance.
  • Giving your stakeholders confidence that their investment in you is a sound investment.

Meet the Experts

Both Mike and Sherrie share a profound aspiration to empower small businesses in conquering the challenges presented by the 21st century.

Mike, a seasoned expert in business strategy and a skilled professional trainer, boasts the achievement over a 30-year period of establishing two remarkably prosperous small enterprises. His extensive journey has also encompassed the facilitation of countless seminars and workshops across various landscapes. Notably, his ventures have led him to spend nights in 45 out of the 50 states, accumulating a wealth of firsthand experiences and insights.

Mike is also a survivor of a harrowing gunpoint robbery. It was a fateful evening in 1988 when he found himself on a Columbia, SC street corner, approached by two seemingly ordinary men. They casually requested a cigarette before abruptly brandishing a firearm, coercing him to surrender his wallet and all his funds.

Once Mike had complied with their demands, they instructed him to move down a dimly lit road that led to a railroad trestle. As he began to walk in that direction, a sudden determination to escape surged within him. Without hesitation, he broke into a sprint, zigzagging through the darkness. The armed assailant unleashed a barrage of gunfire in pursuit, managing to graze Mike's foot with one of the bullets, a chilling reminder of the danger he narrowly evaded.

Sherrie has an accomplished history as the former Director of IT for Johns Hopkins Health Systems. A standout achievement in her career was her leadership of a pivotal 2-year project, overseeing the Y2K readiness initiative for the entire health system.

With a wealth of experience in the health care industry, Sherrie's expertise shines particularly in disaster management and recovery. Her professional journey has made her an expert in Business Continuity Planning.

Notably, Sherrie has dedicated a significant portion of her career to not-for-profit organizations, exemplified by her tenure at Johns Hopkins. Her conscious choice to forego potentially more lucrative opportunities in larger corporate entities underscores her commitment to making a tangible impact on people's lives within the realm of not-for-profit healthcare.

Hailing from a background of hard work, Sherrie's parents – her mother a dedicated waitress for over three decades and her father a bar owner and real estate broker – have contributed to her profound understanding of what it takes for a small business to thrive in the complexities of the modern world. This foundation adds a unique perspective to her professional repertoire.

ReadySmartGo Preparedness Training and Coaching

Contact Us:

Telephone: 1-(410) 855-5791

Our seminars and workshops are a great fit for professional association ​meetings and conferences. Our programs work with most budgets, and the ​benefits members and attendees receive last a lifetime.

Call or email us to learn how we can work together to help your organization ​Get Ready, Get Smart and Get Going with 21st century competitive ​strategies.




© ReadySmartGo, LLC 2022